Thursday, March 26, 2009


SHAPSHOT 2: The Signing

These photos are of Bob Edwards, Kelley Philips, & Rainer Klinner signing "our" agreement—that is, the Memorandum of Understanding that makes it all official. It was a great moment--rich with connections. We are going to Germany because we are invited there--the welcome mat is out.

I find myself struggling between fear and joy...eagerness and disappointment.... that it won't happen, that it won't happen soon enough, or that it will happen.... that doesn’t make sense, does it? I want so badly for this to happen and for it to happen in a timely manner but I have to try to give it up so that it isn’t just about me. What am I, Lord, to do in this venture? Is it really from you and of you and by you and for you…or am I deluded into simply wanting an adventure? Help me, Lord, to discern the truth for me—for us—in all this great wandering.

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